Flibanserin For HSDD

Flibanserin is used to treat women with HSDD. HSDD patients don’t respond to their partner’s sexual signals, lose the desire for sex, or avoid sex altogether. Because they have little or no fantasies or thoughts about sex. Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder may be caused by Stress, Anxiety or depression, Tiredness, Menopause, Low sex hormone levels, Recent pregnancy, delivery, or breastfeeding, Sexual abuse or trauma in your past, Relationship problems, Issues with body image And Medical problems such as cancer, heart problems, diabetes, multiple sclerosis or bladder problems. Blood pressure medicines, antidepressant medicines, and feminizing hormone therapy, chemotherapy may also cause HSSD. Flibanserin changes the activity of serotonin and other natural substances in the brain. Flibanserin should not be used for men and the treatment of HSDD in women who have got menopause to improve sexual performance.

Adult Dose for Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder
100 mg orally once a day at bedtime

dizziness, dry mouth, drowsiness, nausea, tiredness, trouble in sleeping, swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat and may be hives or difficult breathing.

You should Skip the missed dose and take the medicine the following day at bedtime. You should not take flibanserin in the morning and do not take two doses at one time.

Interactions:Flibanserin’s journey through the body can be influenced by interactions with other substances. Here are some factors to consider:

  • Alcohol: A crucial point to remember is the avoidance of alcohol while taking Flibanserin. Combining alcohol with this medication can lead to severe drops in blood pressure, causing dizziness and fainting. Thus, maintaining a strict no-alcohol policy is imperative.

  • Medication Combinations: Flibanserin’s effects can be altered when combined with medications that influence the central nervous system. If you’re on antidepressants, antifungal drugs, or antibiotics, your healthcare provider should be informed to avoid potentially undesirable interactions.

  • Liver Health: The liver plays a pivotal role in metabolizing Flibanserin. If you have liver impairment, the medication’s levels in your body could increase, potentially leading to adverse effects. Consultation with a healthcare professional becomes even more crucial in such cases.

  • Grapefruit Juice: The innocent-seeming grapefruit juice can actually affect Flibanserin’s breakdown in the body. This can result in increased concentrations of the medication, potentially intensifying side effects. Awareness is key, and steering clear of grapefruit juice during this medication regimen is advisable.

Flibanserin is a potential beacon of hope for premenopausal women grappling with hypoactive sexual desire disorder. Understanding its uses, potential interactions, and side effects empowers individuals to make informed decisions about their health. Engaging in open and transparent conversations with healthcare providers ensures that the benefits of Flibanserin are maximized while the risks are minimized. As with any medical journey, knowledge is the guiding light toward a healthier, more fulfilling life.